Friday, February 24, 2012

Can a purse be considered a part of the family? And other thoughts...

Pleae, go easy on me, this is my first time... blogging, that is...

Ok, so where to start? How about with the obvious... I love fashion and shopping and anything that goes along with it - as many girls, women and some men (though, not so much boys) do. So, why write a blog? Excellent question. Unfortunately, I can't seem to come up with any other answer other than I just wanted to. So, here it is! My attempt to create something that resembles a fashion blog. Beware - addiction and insanity will ensue...

How to get the ball rolling? Oh, I know...

Many people have dreams and goals in life - a family, a house, a car - whatever floats your boat. I have a lot of career goals, and it would be nice to own a house someday, but currently my dream and goal in life is to be the proud owner of a Coach purse. I would take it on walks, I would make sure it's always full, I would keep it dry in the rain and I would protect it. Wow, when you put it in writing like that, apparently I would care for a Coach purse as you would a child. That can't be good... anyways, I digress...

Hello, my precious
 I know there are so many other designer purses out there that would make wonderful companions, but I'm working my way there (there's a big difference between $400 and $4,000). I figure, let's start out small! I see so many people strolling by with a Coach purse happily placed on their arm (its forever home), fulfilling its purse destiny. I think to myself, "someday, that will be me!" But, that day has yet to come. And, the fact that I am now writing about this is somewhat alarming... so let’s move on.

And now, a pointless thought to consider:

The sneaker is back! And I couldn't be more excited! As I kid I loved sneakers (especially the Velcro ones). So, knowing that this season is “high-top heaven" is fantastic. With spring and summer on its way, there's nothing better than throwing on a pair of sneakers and heading out the door. Sure, I love my heels, but sometimes it’s a wonderful feeling being in sneakers. So, why not give it a whirl? Here's some more info on the return of the sneaker: The Sneaker Trend   



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